Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ministry Day Four!

Craiova and Youth Group! We had our team in two different locations today. The majority travelled to Craiova to participate in passing out New Testaments and speaking to college students, while a smaller group spent the day ministering to Romanian youth. We so enjoy the opportunities we're getting and are trying to take advantage of them! Some thoughts about today's activities from the viewpoint of a few of our students...

"To be able to reach out to the youth of the community was well worth the time. Many do not know much about God, but their joy and enthusiasm is contagious. They are very lovable kids and I can't wait to see what God has in store for them through the work of Hope church." - Jared Gross

"Raul and his team are zealous to spread to gospel and it seems to me that they have no plan to stop. It is so fascinating to see how Raul executes his plan for ministry, as his heart for the people of Romania is so great. Just spending two hours alone with him as the pastor of Hope Church was amazing, as I sat down with him and had him explain his plan to spread the gospel. He literally wants to plant churches everywhere, and the only thing holding him back is the number of people who want to be missionaries. He is really pressing the fact that he needs more long-term missionaries. Speaking of missionaries, the missionaries here are fully devoted to the gospel, as they literally spend eight to ten hours a day working to serve others and accomplish the church's mission. It is a full time job for them. It causes me to think about the implications of this into my life. I have been constantly asking myself 'These people literally don't stop preaching the gospel; what can I do to follow their example?' These people in need of the gospel and Raul is doing all he can to make it known to them. Lastly,I will remember the incredible stories I've heard for the rest of my life. They are a testament to just how awesome God is and His love for us. I am eager to share them when I get home." - Carson Slater

"This trip has taught me a lot about the power and the necessity of prayer. The people of Hope Church start each day with at least an hour of praise and prayer which always prepares my heart for service. I am so thankful for Pastor Raul for teaching me what is to be a prayer warrior, and I hope to take this heart of worship back home with me."  -Christine Foley 

"Last year, I found myself falling in love with the  Romanian people more and more each day. This year, as a returning student, I find this to still be incredibly true. The need for Christ is great, and the work being done here, in the name of Jesus, is not only proving to be super effective on the community but to us visitors as well. We come here to help serve a church and it's community, but I feel like we are the ones who leave the most encouraged and blessed." -Priscila Matos

"I have loved serving in the childrens and youth ministry this trip! They are all so sweet and love to play! Today, my group helped clean the youth groups meeting center. We mopped, vacuumed, washed windows, and Jared and I beat the living dust out of the rugs. During the actually time of fellowship there was singing and teaching. My group really got to connected with the kids and start making a relationship with them!" -Elisa Maxwell 

"This whole trip has been a huge blessing full of learning experiences. Today, my group was able to talk to a group of Muslim students from Afghanistan at the University in Craiova. Engaging in conversation with them was unlike anything I had ever done before - it was so eye opening! It gave me a desire to learn more about other religions so that I am better able to love them and know where they are coming from when speaking with them in the future." - Nicole Miller


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